It is a fascinating discovery that, Victor Hugo, one of France's greatest poets, was also a believer of spiritualism and mediums. In 1853, the "talking tables" became one of the principal hobbies of the Hugo family where their creative thinking and work were strongly influenced by these tables. Mediums finally were publicly recognized and published as "Le Message automatique (the automatic message)" in the Minotaure by AndrĂ© Breton in 1933. The fascination of the supernatural power is now being exposed in the museum Maison de Victor Hugo sharing their collaborations with Victor and Charles Hugo, Augustin Lesage, Man Ray, Robert Desnos, and many more writers and artists who were helped and became famous in the 19th and 20th centuries. « Si la science ne veut pas de ces faits, l’ignorance les prendra (If the science does not want these facts, ignorance will take them), » stated Hugo. If you are also intrigued by the spiritualism, you have to hurry up because this door to that dimension of that world will shut in three days on January 20th, 2013.
Maison de Victor Hugo
6 place des Vosges 75004 PARIS
T. +33 (0)1 42 72 10 16
E. (M) Saint Paul on line 4
Tue - Sun from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Entrance: 7 €
A walk through the exhibition
Photo/Video sources: maisonvictorhugo/christopheecoffet
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