Contemporary art is not just art, it's a statement that can also be used to address personal, political and social issues . And in the world of the French artist Bertrand Lavier, there is always something to make you wonder. His recent exhibition, at the Centre Pompidou, entitled "Bertrand Lavier, depuis 1969 (since 1969)" is already a personal statement as it is to protest against the standard name for famous artists - a retrospective. He is one of most sought after French artists who is actually better known outside of France. Contrairement to most artists, Lavier shows his version of the modern "vanity" of our society today, of our consumption-driven society in particular. Every single one of his object in display has a story to tell beyond just a simple composition. Even his Giulietta, a destroyed red Alfa Romeo, symbolizing death, where each element of the ruined car is meticulously constructed. So as his Teddy, with his vicious gaze but displayed as a primitive African object. The exhibition has just ended not long ago and if you didn't get a chance to see it, here are some of the highlights we would like to share with you.
rue Beaubourg, 75004 PARIS
T. +33 (0)1 44 78 12 33
(M) Rambuteau on line 11
Everyday except Tues from 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Thurs until 11:00 pm
Entrance: 13 €
Bocca-Bosch (2005) - a sofa on a freezer
Parzeczew (2011)
Giulietta (1993) and the artist
A preview of this exhibition
Teddy (1994)
the artist Bertrand Lavier as Mr. Vain
Photo/Video sources: centrepompidou
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